Colorful and clean theme for all your blogging needs.
Well documented and easy to use.
Stay a while and take a look.
What Have People Said!
(Reviews of our previous themes)
"Ivan is a superstar creator! He is so very helpful as well. This is an absolutely brilliantly designed theme. He made it ridiculously easy to position myself that way and in style like none other. Many thanks for creating this theme."
"Just enough layout options without excess code bloat. The attention to design details creates a beautiful looking site while keeping a clean layout for a great UX."
"This theme simplifies everything giving me time to focus on writing content rather than fixing broken plugins or things that just don't look right. The documentation is very thorough and has saved me asking many basic questions. I have briefly spoken with support who was fantastic and quick. If you're on the edge about buying this; do yourself a favour and do it. Great theme!"
"It's a great theme, I can easily manage my website with this theme. It's easy to understand how to customize this theme."
"Outstanding design that's attractive, easy to use, and quickly customizable! 5 stars all around."
"Top tier support for a problem I had after install. Worked quickly with me to resolve the issue. Would be confident in buying another product form HedgehogCreative."
"After searching for a good blog-theme, I was very pleased when stumbling across Adaptation. The design and customizability combined with the great support is really worth no less than 5 stars! =)"